3 Bitches -- Female Dominance Male Submission Pain Erotica Marie Shore Author

3 Bitches -- Female Dominance Male Submission Pain Erotica Marie Shore Author
Categories: Books, Erotica
Brand: Read Smut Publishing
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*******************!!!!!!PUBLISHER WARNING!!!!!!!*********************The contents of this book are known to cause spontaneous wetness in women and hardness in men.This story contains shockingly explicit and sexually charged scenes.It is NOT your mother’s erotica!Buy at your own risk (and read alone!)EXCERPT:The next thing Bob knew was he was standing up and the room seemed to be spinning slowly. He tried to move but couldn’t As his head cleared out he realized that he was tied spread eagled in the large doorway that lead into the parlor. He was facing the kitchen table where the 3 women sat naked. He thought that was strange. Then he realized that he was naked too. “Oh look. He decided to come back to the living.” Bev said. “Did you like the ice tea? I put a little something extra in yours. It put you to sleep for a bit. I hope you don’t mind but we all got comfortable while you were napping.” “The girls want to play and have some fun. They each have a couple of things that they want to do with you. You don’t mind do you?” Bev said. Bob went to speak and found that he could not respond. His mouth had been taped shut with duct tape. “I do not hear any objection from you so girls, do your things.” Bev instructed. Sally came and stood on his right side and Jane on the left. Each girl started sucking one of his male nipples. One hand from each wandered down and played with his cock and balls. He was getting aroused, this felt good. Sally removed her mouth from his right nipple and whispered in his ear “Thank you for the ride Bob.” She moved her warm wet mouth back to his nipple. Jane moved up to whisper in his ear. “We hate men” and she accented it with a hard squeeze to his balls. Sally bit down hard on his nipple. Bob tried to scream through the tape. His body jerked and pulled at his restraints. All three women laughed.

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