A Flick Of Fun - Women's Erotica/Confessional Erotica Melisa Poche Author

A Flick Of Fun - Women's Erotica/Confessional Erotica Melisa Poche Author
Categories: Books, Erotica
Brand: Xplicit Press
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A Flick of Fun is a Women’s Erotica/Confessional Erotica short story - M/F. This erotica short story contains explicit content, erotic situations, graphic language and is suitable for readers 18 and over.Bored housewife Rogan is lacking two things: entertainment and sex. Her husband Joe has been working the night shift for weeks now and she hasn’t seen very much of him since making her very lonely and sexually frustrated. All that Rogan wants to do is go to a movie and have sex with her husband, but Joe claims that he’s too tired and hands her a twenty instead.Frustrated Rogan storms out of the house. Joe told her to have fun and that exactly what she’s going to do, but Rogan never thought she’d find something at the cinema more entertaining than the movie she had been dying to see. The movie has been out for months now and the theater is practically empty, until a stranger takes a seat beside her. Rogan is curious as to why the stranger chose to sit beside her when there were plenty of other empty seats in the room, but when the stranger starts to put his hands up her skirt; Rogan realizes that she doesn’t even have to ask.ExcerptI turned back to the movie, but couldn’t stop thinking about this stranger to my left. I looked around the dim room at the rows upon rows of empty velveteen chairs. There were more than a hundred empty seats. So why had he chosen to sit beside me?Suddenly, I got a clue as I felt a rough, cool hand caress my leg. I looked over, ready to tell the stranger to fuck off, but he looked straight ahead with an indifferent expression. It was titillating, and I could feel an ache in my pussy as my long-forgotten juices began to flow, moistening the surface of my lace thong.

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