Fantasy Erotica: The Green Man From Xenot Juli Mateson Author

Fantasy Erotica: The Green Man From Xenot Juli Mateson Author
Categories: Books, Erotica
Brand: Xplicit Press
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The Green Man From Xenot is a Fantasy and Science Fiction Erotica short story - M/F. This erotica short story contains explicit content, erotic situations, graphic language and is suitable for readers 18 and over.Alexis Purchet had a sexual encounter with a green “man” that she thinks is an alien, with his green skin and large eyes, not to mention his interesting extra appendages that lead her to this conclusion. Instead of being scared, she is strangely satisfied. Her copulation with him satiated and fulfilled her more than any physical pleasure she had ever experienced. This exciting encounter awakens feelings within her that she thought were long since gone. She then tries to pursue further relationship with a “being” she barely knew. He appeared at time when she least expected. She has been grieving and alone, and now she has found a terrific experience and left her wanting more. Now he’s gone, and she doesn’t know where to find him. All she can do is yearn for another hot, sexy adventure under the stars. How can she ever thank him for bringing a part of her back to life? Excerpt:Without warning, the “monster” appeared in the clearing. I stared straight into two luminous green eyes. I screamed my lungs out, until I felt my legs turning wobbly, and then I blacked out.I awakened with an incredible feeling of languor and delight. There was a burning, sweet sensation between my thighs and I felt a sexual craving I never thought I could feel again. I opened my eyes languidly savoring the pleasurable sensations emanating from my groin. I screamed as I stared at the same luminous green eyes that had terrified me earlier. My screams were muffled as his green puckered lips covered mine. I continued to struggle, but he - I presumed he was a man because of his sexual preference - was so big, about 7 feet tall that I could barely move, when he pinned me down with his frog-like arms.He wasn’t actually hurting me and it was the “tastiest” kiss I have ever basked in, so I stopped struggling. His lips were soft and pliant molding wonderfully with every crevice of my palate; his tongue teased the inner, sensitive areas of my mouth. His tongue was longer and more elastic; he darted his tongue in the soft, sensitive tissues of my inner cheeks.

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