Flash Erotica Collection 1 CJ Edwards Author

Flash Erotica Collection 1 CJ Edwards Author
Categories: Books, Erotica, Dark Erotica
Brand: Erotic Dreams
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From the Mistress of Dark Erotica, Charlotte Edwards, a new format for you to enjoy – flash erotica! No more than 2,000 words and often less, these hot tales get straight to the action. Just enough for a sneaky trip to the restroom at work or locking yourself in the bedroom, while your partner watches soaps! This is a collection of five flash erotica, all together in one anthology.Jacqueline’s Secret Life - She’s the neighbourhood snob, always needing to be seen to be better than everyone else. But not everything is as it seems!A brief affair was just what she needed and couldn’t do any harm could it? Unfortunately it could if the lowlife saw the easy opportunity for blackmail and was prepared to take it! Luckily for Jacqueline, I was used to dealing with this sort of situation, and luckily for me, I was fully prepared to take advantage of the gorgeous, stuck-up wife myself. I’d had her twice already and tonight I was upping the ante. We were off to my private members club, and Jacqueline would never be the same again!A Job Opportunity – the one that comes the way of young single mom, Cheryl is unusual to say the least. They want to extract her surplus breast milk for money. Odd it may be, but the money is amazing and the hours completely flexible. She quickly signs up to find the want to enhance her current milk production, and in fact her body. Oh, and some of the clients will want to take the milk straight from the breast. The drugs they give her raise her sex drive through the roof and suddenly, anything is possible!Leanne Learns A Lesson - It only takes one small mistake to completely change your life. For 18 YO Leanne, it was shoplifting in a sex store that her dad regularly frequented. A store owned by a sexy older lady who had great CCTV, knew all her customers, and had a tried and tested system for dealing with spoiled brats who liked to steal from her. Invariably, when put to the test, they were prepared to do anything to avoid police involvement!Megan’s Double Entry - sees a pretty young book keeper in a bit of a bind. She’s been stealing from the company to feed her low-life boyfriend’s gambling habit. Involving the police will mean certain prison time. I’m prepared to cut her a break but she needs to pay every penny back. She’s got one very saleable asset that my brother and I intend to make use of to start the repayment plan straight away!Wives’ Lesbian Orgy - a rich and respectable neighbourhood is shaken up by a newcomer. The wives are all rich, pampered… and bored. A second housewarming party is just for the women, and it has a ‘hen party’ theme. In fact, it’s much, much more than this. The right application of alcohol and arousal is all it needs to get these ladies banging – literally!

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