Men's Erotica: The Novice Seduction Kellie Granier Author

Men's Erotica: The Novice Seduction Kellie Granier Author
Categories: Books, Erotica
Brand: Xplicit Press
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The Novice Seduction is a Historical Medieval and Men’s Erotica short story - M/F. This erotica short story contains explicit content, erotic situations, graphic language and is suitable for readers 18 and over.Arn is a young novice monk, only recently allowed to leave the monastery where he was raised since his childhood. He’s innocent of the ways of the world, but handsome and a fierce fighter. Katarina needs a husband, but she’ll take anything she can get from Arn when he stays with her father. Katarina is Allgott’s; she was the apple of her father’s eye, and when it was her turn to live at his home rather than the convent, she was given free rein and more or less allowed to rule the household. But she was a smart girl, and she knew her days of relative freedom were coming to an end. She would be sent off to the convent permanently, a prisoner forever with no hopes of escape or having her own family. And if she couldn’t find a man to marry, she could at least find one to enjoy. She has set her sights on Arn.Excerpt:When Arn Folkesson rode with his men into their small village, Katarina was fetching water from the well. She paused in her work, unable to do anything but watch him until he disappeared around the corner and out of sight. He was near her age, and easily the most handsome man Katarina had ever seen in her life. She’d never seen him before, but she knew exactly who he was. Not only were they expecting him, but his reputation had spread far and wide, and everybody knew that Folke’s son was back from the monastery, prepared to defend his father’s lands against the tyranny of the pretender on the throne. She lifted the pail, sloshing water over the sides as she hurried to meet the men at her father’s house, giddy with excitement.

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