Milking the Bull Gay Erotica Vivian Leigh Author

Milking the Bull Gay Erotica Vivian Leigh Author
Categories: Books, Gay Erotica
Brand: Vivian Leigh
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When Ethan comes home from college his dad’s new girlfriend takes him out to the barn to meet his roommate for the next two weeks–her son. Ethan’s expecting a doughy farmboy, but what he finds is a stunning piece of manflesh named Claude. Claude’s mother privately warns him to keep his hands off Ethan, but when the horny boys find themselves alone in the barn they waste no time getting to know each other.Caution: This 3600 word short story contains an electronic bull ejaculator, oral sex, anal sex, and gay sex.***The barn was bigger than the house and circled on three sides by a split rail fence. The red paint was fading and the whole yard smelled of cow shit. The new girlfriend, it was going to take him a while to get used to the idea of his dad dating, pulled on an oversized door. A cat scampered away as the door creaked open.“Claude? Are you in here?”“I’m in the back, Ma,” came the response.Ethan peered at the dim interior, but couldn’t see anyone. Hay bales and stalls full of cows filled the barn.“Watch your step in here,” Missy told him.Ethan followed her through the barn and his dad followed behind him. They reached the back stall and Ethan stopped. His mouth dropped open. A broad shouldered, curly headed piece of hot man flesh stood in front of the bull. One hand gripped a gray box and the other gripped the tail end of a giant dildo. The other end of the dildo was firmly jammed into the bull’s asshole.His dad laughed at him and clapped him on the shoulder. “I was wondering how you’d react.”“I… Uh…”Claude turned around. Ethan got his first look at his roommate for the next two weeks. His unbelievably gorgeous roommate and his face that looked like it was carved out of wood then coated and oiled to a shine. He had piercing blue eyes and for a moment Ethan couldn’t comprehend how someone so perfect was here, on this farm, fucking a bull in the ass.Ethan’s cock grew erect in his pants. It grew painfully hard and pushed at the fly, but there was no way he could adjust it. “Howdy, Ethan. I’d shake your hand but I’m covered in bull shit,” Claude said.Ethan nodded dumbly. “What are you doing?”“I’m milking this here bull.” He winked. “We take semen samples and sell them to a lab.”“That’s not really a giant vibrator,” Missy said. “It’s an electro-ejaculator. It stimulates the bull until he squirts into a cup.”“How often do you ‘milk’ him?” Ethan asked.“About once a month or so,” Claude responded. “We have half a dozen bulls and usually take the samples all in the same day.”“Is this the last one tonight?” Missy asked.“Still got Wild Bill left. I should be done in forty-five minutes or so,” Claude said.“Well, you boys can stay out here and chat, but I’m going to go in and wash up for bed.” She looked at Ethan’s dad. “You coming?”“I hope to shortly.” The older man grinned. Ethan bit his lip but didn’t respond. Claude didn’t seem to catch the pun. Or he ignored it. Ethan couldn’t tell which.“I need to get my bags out of the car,” Ethan said. He looked at Claude. “Good luck.”Claude shrugged and Ethan followed his dad and his dad’s girlfriend back out of the barn.