A Job Opportunity CJ Edwards Author

A Job Opportunity CJ Edwards Author
Categories: Books, Dark Erotica
Brand: Erotic Dreams
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From the Mistress of Dark Erotica, Charlotte Edwards, a new format for you to enjoy – flash erotica! No more than 2,000 words and often less, these hot tales get straight to the action. Just enough for a sneaky trip to the restroom at work or locking yourself in the bedroom, while your partner watches soaps!Second in the series, the job opportunity that comes the way of young single mom, Cheryl is unusual to say the least. They want to extract her surplus breast milk for money. Odd it may be, but the money is amazing and the hours completely flexible. She quickly signs up to find the want to enhance her current milk production, and in fact her body. Oh, and some of the clients will want to take the milk straight from the breast. The drugs they give her raise her sex drive through the roof and suddenly, anything is possible!Extract:Ali was already working the tee-shirt up over Cheryl’s head. “All of our subjects are naked. The milk can get everywhere. My, this bra’s tight. Have your breasts swollen a lot overnight?” She traced the line of the bra fabric with her fingertips.“Er, yeah! Water retention. I guess.”“What’s your bra size?” Ali asked, reaching behind Cheryl’s back and unhooking it.“34B.”“I don’t think so!” Ali let the cups fall to the floor and stood back to admire the girl. “I reckon you’re at least a D cup, if not an E!”“Impossible!”“Completely possible,” Ali laughed. “It’s one of the effects of the serum. Now take your jeans and knickers off.”Cheryl did as she was told, however odd she thought it was, it seemed the right thing to do. Ali just leant back against the wall and watched her, with obvious appreciation. “Very nice,” she said as the young mum finally peeled her underwear down.